Buy FML (Fluoromethalone) Online From Medications Canada.

( Top Brand Option )

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Buy Brand FML

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Eye Drops
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
FML 0.10% 5mL $40.75 Add To Cart
FML 0.10% 10mL $66.50 Add To Cart
FML 0.10% 15mL $92.30 Add To Cart
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 5mL
Price: $40.75
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 10mL
Price: $66.50
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 15mL
Price: $92.30

( Affordable Generic Options )

Buy Fluoromethalone Fluoromethalone

Prescription Prescription Required
Formulation : Eye Drops
Drug Name Dosage Quantity Price Buy Now
Fluoromethalone 0.10% 10mL $34.00 Add To Cart
Fluoromethalone 0.10% 20ml $49.00 Add To Cart
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 10mL
Price: $34.00
Dosage: 0.10%
Quantity: 20ml
Price: $49.00

FML is used to treat inflammation of the eye and eyelid.

Store at a room temperature away from heat.

Only wear contact lenses that you have had previously okayed by your doctor.

Do not use this medication for longer than you have been prescribed. Overuse of this medication is dangerous and can potentially damage your eye, cause glaucoma or the formation of cataracts. Using steroids (FML) may cause holes when used while the patient has a disease causing the cornea to thin or the sclera to become thinner.

Use this medication exactly as you have been prescribed to. You may be advised to remove your contact lenses for the duration of your use of FML. Always wash your hands before applying the eye drops. Do not allow the applicator tip of this medication to touch any part of your eye. If you have been prescribed more than one drop per eye wait at least five minutes before drops into the same eye.

If you have allergies to any other medication containing fluoromethalone, do not use this medication. If the infections in your eye are bacterial, viral, or fungal infections do not use this medication.

Severe: Severe allergic reaction, changes in vision, continuing blurred vision, discharge from eyes, eye pain/itching/redness/swelling/irritation worse than prior to using FML.

Common: Blurred vision; taste changes; temporary burning or stinging.

Other: None.

Additional information

Scientific Name:



Eye Drops



Quantities Available:

5mL, 10mL, 15mL, 20ml receives the above information for FML (Fluoromethalone) from third parties. We provide this information for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace the advice of a physician. Any medical concerns should always be discussed with your doctor or a qualified health care professional.