Buy Depakote CR (Divalproex) Online From Medications Canada.

Depakote is a medication that treats different types of seizure disorders by affecting certain body chemicals that cause seizures. Depakote can also treat other illnesses such as the manic phase of bipolar disorder (Manic depressive illness). Migraine headaches can also be prevented by using Depakote.

Depakote should be stored away from light, heat, and moisture; and at room temperature.

Even if you start to feel better, do not stop taking Depakote as it can have negative consequences. Ensure that your prescription is refilled before your current one runs out. If you think that the medication is not working, contact your doctor. Also, be sure to carry an ID card or medical bracelets that indicate that you are on Depakote so that medical professionals can assess your situation in an emergency.

Do not drink alcohol while taking Depakote. Also, Depakote may reduce your reaction speed and impair your thinking. While taking Depakote, avoid exposure to artificial UV rays or sunlight as Depakote makes your skin more sensitive; use sun screen.

Follow your doctor’s instructions and the prescription closely. Avoid taking larger doses than recommended. While taking Depakote, be sure to drink lots of water to keep your fluids up. Have your liver tested regularly and schedule regular visits with your doctor. Do not chew or crush the capsules; swallow them whole.

Avoid taking Depakote if you have liver disease or a urea cycle disorder. Also, do not take Depakote if you are breast feeding, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant.

Serious Depakote side effects include (Seek medical attention): unexplained weakness with vomiting and confusion or fainting; easy bruising or bleeding, blood in your urine; fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin

Less serious Depakote side effects include: mild drowsiness or weakness; diarrhea, constipation, upset stomach; depression, anxiety, or other emotional changes; changes in your menstrual periods; enlarged breasts; tremor (shaking); hair loss; weight changes; vision changes; or unusual or unpleasant taste in your mouth.

If you experience, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, low fever, dark urine, clay colored stool, yellow skin, and yellow eyes then you may have liver damage; seek medical attention immediately. Also call your doctor immediately if you have mood changes, behavior changes, anxiety, depression, hostility, restlessness, hyperactivity, or suicidal.

Additional information

Brand Name:

Depakote CR

Scientific Name:


Other Names:

Encorate Crono



Quantities Available:



Controlled Release Tablet receives the above information for Depakote CR (Divalproex) from third parties. We provide this information for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace the advice of a physician. Any medical concerns should always be discussed with your doctor or a qualified health care professional.