A doctor's hands holding a woman's hand, which cradles a heart-shaped object, indicating potential heart attack symptoms

Overcome all your worries and fears related to the symptoms of a heart attack. We are here to help you! Knowing when a heart attack will strike is not easy. Many people fear that they will experience heart pain, high blood pressure, or a heart attack and not know what’s happening. Thankfully, there are heart attack symptoms and warning signs you can look for if you think you may be experiencing a heart attack.

To keep you as worry-free as possible, we’ve gathered the warning signs and symptoms you should look for when considering cardiovascular disease or a coronary artery—even if you regularly partake in a little physical activity. Make sure to read this carefully and take notes for the future.

If you think you may be experiencing a heart attack at any time or there is something wrong with your blood, a damaged artery, poor blood flow, or similar disease related to the heart, please call 911 as soon as possible.


Pay Attention to Early Warning Signs

Heart attacks are not typically sudden like they are portrayed in movies and television shows and the risk factors are often overlooked. If you do find yourself suffering from a heart attack, you will most likely notice signs early. Therefore, pay attention to your body and understand when something feels off.

The American Heart Association is dedicated to raising awareness of heart attack warnings signs and prevention. It is their mission to provide the public with plenty of information that can help them identify the onset of a heart attack quickly and reduce the risk of a heart attack from happening at all.

While early warning signs are typical for most patients who have suffered a heart attack, everyone’s body is different. Therefore, pay close attention to your body and understand when things are not quite performing how they should be. Men and Women Are Different when it Comes to Heart Attack Symptoms. Everyone knows that men and women are vastly different in all areas of life. But, one of the biggest areas where they differ and could potentially save a person’s life is with symptoms of a heart attack. Here are four different red flags women should look for:

Sudden (and unexplained) Perspiration.

It may be common for some women to experience heavy sweat when they are stressed or nervous. However, if a sudden onset of perspiration occurs, a woman should take note. It may very well just be a hot flash or be hormone-related, but if nothing else is causing the unexplained perspiration, this may be a sign of an oncoming heart attack.


Heartburn or indigestion may be signs of a heart attack for many women. While it is easy to brush off these stomach issues as simply a sign of something you ate that didn’t agree with you, it may not be as easy as that. Heartburn and indigestion can be signs of a heart attack for women and should be monitored closely with other symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are more common in women than in men.

Upper Body Pain

Many doctors have male patients who describe a heaviness in their chests (almost like an elephant is sitting on top of them) when they’re experiencing a heart attack. Women, on the other hand, experience sharp pain in their upper body (neck, shoulders, chest). This is a completely different sensation than men experience. Women should pay special attention to where their pain radiates and understand that their pain may reside in very different locations than that in males.

Jaw Pain

Jaw pain in women can stem from a variety of reasons such as clenching of the teeth, headaches, or stress. While jaw pain as a warning sign for a heart attack in women is rare, it is a symptom to pay attention to. The nerves in the jaw area react to issues going on in the heart because they are all connected. Keep an eye out for other symptoms to arise if you experience jaw pain.

Men may experience the following symptoms and should look for these red flags:

Chest Pain

As reported by both men and women, chest pain can be a sign of a heart attack. Often seen as steadily increasing pain rather than a sudden pain, chest pain or discomfort may look like sharp pains, extreme heaviness, or tightness of the chest. Men may experience a heavy feeling in the center of their chest as if an elephant was sitting on top of them.

Pain above the Waist

Pain may radiate in other areas of the body such as the neck, stomach, or an arm. If someone is experiencing this kind of pain as well as chest pains, call for help immediately.

Shortness of Breath

Due to the extreme heaviness of the chest, both men and women may feel a shortness of breath. This may also feel like their breaths are labored and have difficulty in doing so.

Treatment and Prevention of Heart Attack

Family history and genetics play a large role in the likelihood of a person experiencing a heart attack. Heart murmur, arrhythmia, and other heart conditions can increase the chances of a heart attack.

Regardless of your chances of having a heart attack, there are preventive measures that you can take to help decrease the likelihood of having a heart attack.

Medications including Corlanor

If you experience a full-blown heart attack, the doctors will give you life-saving medications in the ambulance or at the hospital. These medications are meant to save your life and give you a chance at a full recovery.

However, there are other medicines that you can take if your heart needs a little extra help staying healthy. Corlanor is a common medicine prescribed to patients who need help in slowing down their heart rate. With chronic heart failure, a person would find Corlanor helpful in keeping their risk of hospitalization down when their congestive heart failure symptoms increase.


Doctors around the world agree that the best prevention for heart attacks is staying healthy, though many healthy people who exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet still experience heart attacks; however, a healthy lifestyle will lead to a decreased chance overall. If you believe that you are experiencing a heart attack, call your emergency number immediately, and receive help! It is never too early to call.

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